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My employer wants everyone to do two days a week in the office (on average) in order to foster face-to-face collaboration. A lot of folks are resentful having gotten used to working from home.

I would prefer not to be in the office but am happy to go in if needed. It's just frustrating when, for various reasons, I'm the only member of my team actually in the office. Not much face-to-face going on there!

The site I'm based at is undergoing demolition and building work so capacity is temporarily reduced. As such, we're working towards 30% attendance (three days over two weeks) by September.

I'm doing a day week at present (Thursday is my usual day) and will see how it goes but I'll no doubt have to increase that over the summer.

ndreas says: Reply to ndreas

@colinwalker my employer wants everyone in the office three of five workdays. What happened to the new work life? I ask myself.

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