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2 comments: click to read or leave your own

I completely forgot that this Monday, 12th June, was the 20th anniversary of my starting to blog.

Wow. 20 years!

I feel like that should mean something but I don't really know what.

So much has changed over those two decades, not least the blog itself as can be seen in my retrospective. The look, the platform, the topics I've covered, they've all been in a constant state of flux. Ultimately, I've always posted about what interests me at the time – that's all you can really ask for from a personal blog.

I wrote last year:

"it's almost like a work of performance art where the platform is as much a part as the content."

That has certainly still been the case. A lot of what I post has still been very meta, although that has dropped off recently. It remains, however, part of the whole package – a lot of what makes blogging so special for me is the time I spend on the architecture. There is a certain symbiosis between writing and platform that you don't get elsewhere.

So, here's to the next 20 years. I wonder what it will look like in another two decades.

tracydurnell says: Reply to tracydurnell

@colinwalker 👍 fun milestone!

Colin Walker replied:

Certainly is, but makes me feel old 😂

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