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Zsolt Benke writes that "a compelling use case for a big iPhone and a small iPad mini is using them as a mobile writing environment" where most people consider them content consumption devices.

I couldn't agree more.

I have said for at least a decade now that my phone is my PC – that's primary computer – and almost everything I do happens there. Reading, writing, image editing, even coding.

I moved from the iPhone 4S (which was already central to my online life) to the Nexus 5 in December 2013 due to its larger screen and never looked back. 2014 saw me type around 110,000 words for the #write365 project alone. All on the phone. All using the on screen keyboard.

With screen sizes increasing, and the convenience of always having the it to hand, it became second nature to use the phone as my main writing environment. In fact, I usually have to force myself (as I am doing now) to write on the MacBook due to it not always being readily available and requiring a degree of preparation.

As Zsolt says, tapping away on a phone may seem "an ineffective way to write" but, just as the best camera is the one you have with you, the best writing environment is the one available and we quickly adapt to its limitations.

MitchW says: Reply to MitchW

@colinwalker Oh, gosh yes. I frequently write on the iPhone and iPad mini, often using voice dictation for rough drafts. I dictated the rough draft of today's post on standing on my feet inside the bathroom, just prior to brushing my teeth.

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Following the death of Ryuichi Sakamoto, over the past couple of days I rewatched Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence having not seen it for around 35 years. I couldn't remember much about it and was too young (literally and emotionally) to fully appreciate it as a teenager.

It is such a sad, poignant, affected piece but has moments of genuine affection coupled with emotional conflict at such affection. The film does an excellent job of examining the culture clash between east and west while discovering a surprising kinship during the harshest and most unlikely of circumstances.

It's message is truly summed up in the closing scene with Tom Conti's John Lawrence saying, on the subject of war, "And the truth is of course that nobody is right" and "There are times when victory is very hard to take." The ends don't always justify the means and, no matter what side we're on, we are all just people doing what we (often misguidedly) think is right.

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