The posting process for hyblog has been improved to simplify things a bit and the repository has been updated. I've added a change-log file to keep track of things.
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There's some more new stuff coming for hyblog tomorrow which I'm really excited about. I just need to make sure it's bullet proof and get it written up a bit clearer than the notes I've already made.
I wanted hyblog to be almost the antithesis of (b)log-In, something so simple and minimal. I still want that but also want to make it potentially a more viable platform (not that I'm ever expecting anyone to use it) and this latest feature will do that.
The danger is, however, the more ideas I have the more it moves away from this bare bones thing I had in my mind at the beginning. I need to learn when to say enough. I need to learn when to put something aside and say 'done!'
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