Happy Samhain, Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Day of the Dead, or just Sunday. However you observe it.
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It wasn't intentional, just turned out that way.
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I think I've finally sorted the issue with internal webmentions. I know, it's taken months.
I suddenly had a brainwave – I changed things a while back to make external webmentions more reliable by having a virtual single post page and, thinking back, it was around this time that I started having issues. Reverting back to the old way of rendering the source URL and testing worked! The interaction between the way the post is rendered on the single post page and the way I pull the information from the JSONified microformats.
Putting a check in to determine if the webmention target URL is my own I then set the format of the source URL accordingly.
So, this should work...
And it did.
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