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pratik says: Reply to pratik

@colinwalker Congrats, Grandpa

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Some of Brandon's thoughts sounded very familiar:

"I looked back at this frustrated younger version of me and I felt myself get envious ... Have I over thought this whole blogging thing?"

Flicking through some of the posts in the archive I am taken back to the passion I had at the time, back when the blog was focused. I thought I had the answers – at least, a number of them – and wrote accordingly. Some of it was good, some very good, and that's not just me blowing my own trumpet.

I suppose that's what happens when you stick to a topic, you become immersed in it; posts follow trajectories, continuing from what came before.

Still, the object of focus became no longer relevant and I was fed up blogging solely in essays, making a conscious decision to shift more towards shorter posts but went from one extreme to the other. I look back upon the blogger I used to be and miss his ability to write in depth, albeit not consistently – the gaps were large and many.

Brandon declares:

"if I'm honest, some of the stuff I was reading last night is eons better than what I've been shoveling out as of late."

I can so relate to that.

I've been ruminating on the nature of blogging recently and, despite the different approaches, still can't seem to find a balance that I am truly comfortable with.

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