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It's likely the recent heatwave making me more tired and feeling drained but I've not had much to say. Even the blog has suffered. With more hot weather forecast, and further trips to the office, I've decided to take a summer break from the muse-letter. I'll likely give it until September and see how things are.

Now I've said that I'll probably have something come to me demanding to be written about. Either way, I won't force something that is not there.

herself says: Reply to herself

@colinwalker that's a good idea, especially if it's stressful to work on it. What sort of temperatures are you getting where you are?

Colin Walker replied:

It's not been that hot compared to some other places, we've topped 30°C, but it's hot for here and we're not used to it. The humidity is the real killer. The long range forecast warns of more in August.

philbowell says: Reply to philbowell

@colinwalker @herself the problem is UK houses are built to keep heat in and not keep it out...

pimoore says: Reply to pimoore

@colinwalker @herself Humidity really is the crux of the problem in summer, especially when it's added to base temperatures that are already too hot themselves.

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The moon rose directly behind our house last night so I took a photo on my phone – 30X zoom (digital, obviously) then cropped. It's nothing special although it continues to amaze me what you can do with phones. I have an old Fujifilm camera with 18X optical zoom and it couldn't capture anything more than a small, overexposed white circle.

The moon

AlanGMarz says: Reply to AlanGMarz

@colinwalker I know exactly what you mean. I went out a couple of nights ago with the Canon and messed up every shot.

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