
The archive contains older posts which may no longer reflect my current views.

Bit.ly, Facebook and the state of Google+.

Google+Rather than rewrite full posts, here are a few recent items that have been posted on Google+ and generated some good discussion:

The state of Google+ - a rant

Articles calling Google+ a ghost town are annoying but so are those rebuttals from "Plussers" wearing rose-tinted spectacles. There is often no smoke without fire so this is a warning.

Where next for Facebook?

Facebook admits mobile is a problem and with all the talk of it building an OS or even a device Facebook will need somewhere else to go to further its graph. Where will it be?

Has bit.ly stolen a march on Google?

I previously proposed that Google could use a mixture of +1s and the goo.gl URL shortener to create a social bookmarking service. Bit.ly has pivoted and offers virtually everything I suggested. Will it work? Should Google do more with +1s?

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