
The archive contains older posts which may no longer reflect my current views.

Forget the big idea

I finished "Show Your Work" by Austin Kleon (the follow-up to Steal Like an Artist) on my commute home last night and was struck by one thing in particular, one image amongst all the words:

It isn't even in the actual book, but in the section at the end showing ideas that didn't make the cut.

This single image speaks directly to me.

How many times have I written that I can't have big ideas, only little ones, and beaten myself up for it as though it is some kind of failure.

A sense of realisation kicked in, a minipiphany: what is a blog if not a succession of little ideas. With enough time those little ideas can combine into something bigger, patterns can form and threads emerge, a big idea will start to grow on its own. It's why I had considered gathering a number of my #write365 pieces into some form of collection.

If a blog is a series of little ideas does that make it a failure?

Only if you don't post!

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