
The archive contains older posts which may no longer reflect my current views.

# I finally got the native Time Machine service working on my NAS but it's getting old and clunky, and didn't sound too happy about being spun up for so long during the initial backup. Hopefully it'll be okay now that everything is incremental.

# Knowing that I want to do something with my writing this year my eldest daughter suggested I take part in NaNoWriMo.

"Big idea" panic and self doubt immediately set in. What would I write about? How could I possibly say 50 thousand words about something?

She replied that "prep doesn't start until October, you've got loads of time."

By golly she's right!

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# Seth Godin writes today:

"Your smartphone makes you quick, not smart. "Every time you pick up your quickphone, you stop inventing and begin transacting instead."

Often that's true. The "quickphone" becomes a mechanism for filling those idle moments, then a distraction from what we should be doing as those idle moments spill over.

That need not be the case.

The device is just a dumb tool, a container for whatever we wish to load it with. If we put garbage in we'll just get garbage out.

But, if we clear out our garbage we are left with a world of possibilities. Just because it's a small slab of glass and metal sat in our hands that doesn't mean we can't be expressive, creative, inventive.