# I traditionally write with a pen the same way I blog: straight in, top down with full sentences, paragraphs, aiming for completion of thoughts.
While it's good that I can go straight to the page I often wonder if it's as much a hinderance as a boon. I can't help but feel I am too rigid and need to open up a bit on paper.
Notes, scribbles, diagrams, anything to take a different approach and see things from multiple angles.
I want my notes to cross-pollinate, for ideas to be juxtaposed in the hope of finding strange connections that might not otherwise be seen. I want my words to travel in different directions so I can sneak up on myself when I'm not looking.
It's all part of slowing down and that won't happen writing the way I normally do.
And so it begins...
This notebook is ready.
(The first passage is by me, the second is from Neil Gaiman’s “Make good art” commencement speech.)
# Combining two of my passions into one, I am about to start reading "Neil Gaiman and Philosophy: Gods Gone Wild" in which his works are viewed through a philosophical lens.
I've seen mixed reviews for the book but wonder if that's because people went in with preconceived notions of what it was going to be.
@colinwalker That quote is really inspiring! Kind of struck me hard… like it! I think this is what I needed to get me through a difficult state of mind. Even if for just the day. Thank you Colin for sharing that.
@vincent Which one, make good art? The whole speech is inspiring and worth watching on YouTube.
Hope everything is settling down on the family front.
@colinwalker yep, that one. I’ll seek it out tonight and watch it.
Family is better, thank you. Although long recovery time for my Dad in hospital, 3 months to a year. Shame I couldn’t see him awake for the whole duration I was there.
@vincent That sucks but as long as he’s on the mend.
Not bad handwriting, Colin!
Ha! That was me being super careful. Trust me, it gets messy when I speed up.
My handwriting gets messy when I speed up, too. Maybe there's a lesson in that. :)
Bingo! You noticed ?