# It's always a little weird glancing at my visitor stats and seeing that someone has read a post that no longer reflects my position.
I find myself mentally shouting at the visitor something like "don't read that, read this other thing."
It makes me wonder how much time and effort I should be spending going back and updating things, maybe add a note and a link. Or if I even should?
This was partly why I made the change so that webmentions to my own posts now show as "related" - maybe someone will follow the link and read my current position or take.
But that's reliant on there actually being a mention to follow.
Processes evolve, opinions change.
This is why I always refer to the blog as an ongoing conversation with myself - it is the public manifestation of working things out in my head.
It can take time and a number of posts and I may never settle on a final "answer" but how to best represent that evolution?
Posts are like little isolated time capsules that can be dug up at any time, a part of history but not the full story. Some may choose to dig a little deeper but do I need to leave more pointers?
# Liked: Virtual Homebrew Website Club...
Recognising the issues and challenges is a great start but resolving them is another matter entirely.
@colinwalker What are you using to track stats on your site?
@jonkit It's just JetPack - nothing fancy ?
@colinwalker ah, that makes sense. As much as I love using Jekyll and GitHub, the built-in word press stuff is so useful.
This Status was mentioned on <a href=\"http://cdevroe.com/2017/08/24/colin-walker-on-thinking-out-out-on-his-blog/\" rel=\"nofollow\">cdevroe.com
@colinwalker "maybe add a note and a link" -- that's my approach.