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A bit of a drizzly morning but I put on my jacket, slung my back over my shoulder and walked to Starbucks. Why the bag? My wife and I both got new Chromebooks (good specs but on sale) and I wanted to bring it with me rather than be sat on my phone.

My MacBook is getting very tired 1 so I want to mainly use it for music to get the most life out of it. The Windows laptop is mostly for gaming. The Chromebook will be for day-to-day web related things including, I hope, more blogging.

For some reason, since going primarily mobile, I've not been able to get in the habit of blogging on a laptop. The convenience of a phone trumps everything, especially when I have developed the site to be 'mobile first' and not just mobile friendly. While a Chromebook can do more than just basic web stuff I hoping that compartmentalising my device usage will trigger a mind-shift.

I played around with ChromeOS Flex on the Macbook Air (RIP) a couple of years ago and enjoyed that as far as it went. Compatibility issues, slow Linux subsystem performance and lack of Android App support resulted in a switch to Zorin OS but I still never used it as much as I'd hoped. With this being a proper Chromebook I can use the same apps as on my phone — so operate in a familiar environment — but on a much bigger screen.

Maybe it's the initial novelty factor (I only unboxed it last night) but I'm liking it. A change of approach should be (hopefully) a good jumping off point to get back to more regular writing.

  1. well, it is 9 years old now and has been dropped on the floor more times than is good for any device 

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