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I don't write weeknotes (never have) but with the current infrequency of posting this effectively qualifies as one. My usual post cadence has always rendered weeknotes fairly redundant.

Until they're not.

It's been a difficult week. Tuesday saw me slip in the rain and hurt my knee so I couldn't go to Tai Chi in the evening — knees are pretty fundamental to the whole thing. The teacher is on holiday next week so the next session is the 27th.

Wednesday was a tough day. It was my four week review appointment but my usual doctor is on holiday for two weeks. Cue instant anxiety about seeing someone else. The appointment was mid afternoon so I had most of the day to stress over it and work myself into a mild panic.

He wasn't great but the upshot is that I'm still off work for another month and my autism/ADHD referral has been sent off. The results haven't come back yet from my MRI but I'm not expecting anything there.

I think part of the fear was that a different doctor wouldn't sign me off again and that I'd be thrown straight back into work with no warning when I am definitely not ready.

World of Warcraft is still dominating my attention. I know it's both an escape and a means of avoidance but that's where my mind currently sits. Fighting it could throw me into a spiral so I'm just letting it play out.

The new expansion launches on the 26th and I've been upgrading the gear on my main to be as ready as possible. I've only been playing solo content (so no raids or dungeons except follower dungeons for story). My aim is to reach iLevel 500 before the 26th (for those that understand) and I'm currently on 498 499. Shouldn't be long.

Our sole surviving guinea pig had been off colour recently, eating little and not coming out of his 'house' as much as usual. We suspected that he might be in his final days but it was still a shock to come downstairs this morning and find he had passed.

Gary outlived his brother, Jeff, by eleven months. While most will say that a guinea pig won't survive long after losing it's only cage-mate, Gary absolutely thrived on his own. He seemed to prefer it. Maybe it was because he got all the attention and food.

I spent a while before lunch cleaning out and dismantling his cage. It all went to the tip in the afternoon leaving a 'hole' in our house to match the one in our hearts.

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