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From here on out I will likely be referring to my 'blogroll' as my readroll.

It's not strictly a blogroll but the list of feeds I read; it still has an auto-generated OPML you can export.

# I got inked!

Tattoo of a smiley face

# Dave Winer has created a "blogroll browser, built on Feedland, that checks the "htmlUrl link in an outline node and looking for a link to a blogroll" then recursively checks those for more.

This continues on from Robert Alexander's visual representation of blogrolls as a federated social network.

Blogrolls have been having a resurgence recently and any way that we can use them, and tools like this, to boost blog discovery can only be a good thing.

An over-reliance on social media killed tools like Digg and Technorati. Blogger's used to interact far more with each other and blogs were much easier to find. We need a return to that kind of behaviour.

Dave has opened a thread on GitHub to discuss how this works and how it could be improved.

I heartily encourage people with blogrolls to make OPML files available for them. It isn't yet widely supported but referencing the OPML in a site's normal RSS feed using <source:blogroll> could also be a way of expanding discovery.

Update: Dave uses the htmlUrl attribute for discovery and not <source:blogroll> so I've corrected that above.

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