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Speed levellers can get to max level in World of Warcraft in a matter of hours. I said that I was going to take it slow and that's exactly what I've done.

Ignoring the majority of side quests I have followed the main storyline as best I could (without any group content like dungeons) and, this morning, reached max level (70) after a play time of 1 day, 13 hours on this character. This has been spread out over most of May.

It has been a far more enjoyable experience than just rushing to get to endgame. I have a better appreciation for the Dragonflight expansion than before but still think there is way too much grind for just about everything.

With the introduction of 'follower dungeons' — where you can go in on your own with a bunch of AI characters — I can fill a few holes in the story without having to worry about playing with anyone else. It will also give me a little bit of practice running them as I haven't previously played any group content in this expansion.

# I haven't been bothered to jump into Mists of Pandaria Remix or Cataclysm Classic — one thing at a time. Remix just sounds like it's horribly broken and, while MoP is my favourite ever expansion, I just haven't got the headspace for it.

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