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Hello November. Where did you sneak up from? Aren't you a bit early? No? Oh, it feels like you are.

The monthly blog backup is done – the various files (images, video, audio) uploaded to the site. It's always a good feeling to know it's all tucked away should something bad happen.

I can't remember where, but I recently saw someone had a 'site changelog' on their blog. Here, the blog itself is its own changelog, I tend to post about any major changes – and some of the not so major ones. It got me thinking about how and whether this kind of thing needed to be tracked at all.

I recently added a 'meta' label but often forget to apply it, I think that says a lot. Things change here so frequently (I'm always tweaking the code, fixing glitches as they appear, and making other slight alterations) but most of those changes aren't visible and there is little value in commenting on most of them. Only those that impact the usage of the site really need to be mentioned in public.

Even so, some will only read posts via RSS and never visit the site at all – changes to look, feel and functionality will be irrelevant to them as long as the feed keeps getting generated.

I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. I will, however, continue to post about various changes for my own reference if nothing else. It's good to keep track of how things develop, even if only to remind myself of my thought processes at the time and what did or didn't (in my opinion) work.

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I hadn't previously considered this but I've remastered OSA, an old track from July '21, and put it up on Bandcamp.

OSA cover image

It's long been one of my favourite tracks as it doesn't try too hard, it just rolls along in a churning, hypnotic way! I still had the original Reason file so thought why not dig it out and see if I could clean it up a bit. It also gave me an excuse to use one of the images I created with DALL-E as a cover.

You can check it out here.

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How much remixing and regurgitating is just how culture works?

What happens to the way people think when we feed ourselves the same sources of information? How much builds community, how much fosters conformity of thought?

What happens when true innovation is not rewarded in a culture?

And by extension, is true innovation possible or does culture prevent understanding if it is too different? How far can one go beyond the norm before innovation is seen as insanity?

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