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Today was a good day.

Today was my last CBT session. I can officially say I'm no longer in therapy. \o/

When I woke this morning I realised that we had reached a point where I had discussed all things I needed to and had been given the tools required to help maintain my improved mood and outlook. Going on any longer might have been self-defeating as I would just be digging for things to talk about and creating problems that didn't really exist.

I have an appointment with the psychiatrist on Thursday in which I think he will discharge me.

I am under no illusions that everything is suddenly perfect (over thirty years of living with mental health issues has taught me otherwise) but I feel that I am now better equipped to deal with things as they arise.

odd says: Reply to odd

@colinwalker Good to hear! I've been out for about five years now. 20 years experience in the system, but my condition started at an early age. I have no illusions that life will ever be perfect (or anywhere near perfect), but I too am at a point where I can handle (medicate & meditate) most things that arise. All the best to you, and your health. 💕

Colin Walker replied:

Thanks 🙏 One day at a time.

pimoore says: Reply to pimoore

@colinwalker Very happy to read this, Colin, huge congrats! It's a big day when you're able to have the confidence to take control again without help, or medication. I recently was able to wean myself off anxiety meds, and I feel all the better for it.

ArnoldHoogerwerf says: Reply to ArnoldHoogerwerf

@colinwalker Congratulations! To me, the biggest win of dealing (through therapy) with mental health problems for several years was to finally be able to say what you wrote today: “under no illusions that everything is suddenly perfect”. That's a major milestone and more or less the mantra that is still very helpful to me most of the time.

V_ says: Reply to V_

@colinwalker congratulations! A huge milestone to reach. I hope to reach it as well at some point. And yeah it will never go away or be perfect but you know how to react to it in a better was - at least that is what is happening for me.

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