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Like RIP: The External 🧠...

The most prolific thinkers aren't thinking with external brains.

If you're a photographer, take more pictures.

If you're a writer, produce more text.

(For me, right now, it's make more music.)

I've tried to force my use of external/second brains and it's never worked out. Probably because I didn't actually have a need, just a want, a feeling that I ought to be using one because it was the tool du jour.

I was wrong.

I tried wikis. I looked at Obsidian. I went to great lengths to build The Garden 1 (which has lain fallow ever since) – and it always felt like solutions looking for problems.

The blog itself seems to be enough for me.

  1. twice – once in WordPress then rebuilt for (b)log-In 

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2 comments: click to read or leave your own

I have decided to mothball The Garden.

It has not been deleted – I'm still proud of what I built even if I don't use it – as you never know when I might want to repurpose parts of it.

Instead, it is now inaccessible unless logged in, whereas it used to be public.

The Garden served me well while writing It's Only Words so maybe I'll return to it should I ever need to gather a lot of material for another project. For now, however, I am content to use the blog or notes.

jack says: Reply to jack

@colinwalker I get it. I'm willing to bet that the internet landscape is going to be simply /littered/ with abandoned Digital Gardens slash Second Brains in the next couple of years.

Colin Walker replied:

They're great for those with the dedication or a reason to use one, I just never really had either.

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