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Now I'm done with the site tweaks. I made some more changes to the new icons on the homepage and how they respond to hover. I think it looks pretty cool.

(You can hover anywhere over each row, not just the icon.)

pratik says: Reply to pratik

@colinwalker Love how it has all come together. I have been following along silently and admire your persistence and thanks for sharing as you designed. I would love to hear more about how you curate the 'Start Here' page.

Colin Walker replied:

Thanks Pratik.

The "Start Here" page is formed from items in each of the labels (categories) I have. The labels are specifically targeted so only a small minority of posts have them assigned – they cover the major threads & themes across the blog.

When the page loads it randomly selects three posts for each label and displays the labels in a random order. This way it is always different but still gives a starting point that makes a modicum of sense.

Each post that has links to elsewhere on the site then displays those links in a tree structure up to two layers deep so that individual threads can be followed if desired.

pratik says: Reply to pratik

@colinwalker Sounds good. I like the concept

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Monday (20th) was my first CBT appointment. It's taken a while to write anything as I've still been mentally processing it.

The session was primarily a 'getting to know you' exercise with the new therapist, ensuring we were comfortable with each other, but we did talk about a few things.

One of the things that came up was my sense of frustration. I know and understand my mental state and how I should be able to alter it. I understand the psychological concepts at play yet I just don't seem to be able to follow the steps I know I should be taking. I suppose that's why one sees a therapist so can they help you along the journey.

We also discussed my possible autistic traits (not that she is an expert) and she mentioned how a lot of people who present with some kind of 'social anxiety' are actually responding to an autistic trigger like noise or lights. It's a lot more common than I expected.

The example she gave was someone at a wedding. They might be okay at the service as it is usually more sedate but might struggle at the reception where there are more people. Often, social anxiety is considered the cause but it may well be the extra noise, due to the more relaxed environment or a disco, or flashing lights from said disco.

Apparently, the key is to try things but give yourself permission to stop or leave at any point so as to remove an element of pressure going in.

I was pretty exhausted by the end of the hour as I was forcing myself to make eye contact (see here). but didn't want to seem rude in our very first session. I should have just explained from the outset and saved myself the worry. She's probably used to it.

I have my next two sessions already booked over the next month or so and hope to start some serious work.

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