Last Thursday was my latest appointment. After hearing how things had been going since last time he thought it best I come off the Quetiapine – it obviously wasn't doing what it was supposed to.
I had been taking it to: 1) even out my moods, and 2) help me sleep. It was almost the polar opposite.
Instead of my mood swings going from 0 to 100 they were (according to my family) going from -400 to 400. The highs were over the top and the crash was off a cliff face.
Yes, the pills made me tired but if I went to bed when they kicked in I'd be awake somewhere around 2 or 3 am and struggle from there. If I fought it and went to bed a bit later I would then struggle to sleep at all. Either way I would feel exhausted the next morning which contributed further to the mood swings.
We're now trying to tackle the sleep issues and tiredness as a way to help level things off. I've been given promethazine (an antihistamine) because of its strong sedatory effect.
Last night was my first time taking it. The instructions say it takes about half an hour to work but it took a while longer for me to drop off. But when I did I was dead to the work the whole night. I think I'll take it earlier tonight (about an hour before bed) and see how it goes.