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2 comments: click to read or leave your own

While I probably won't use it all that much, 1 I think what Dave Winer is trying to do with FeedLand is pretty cool. Turning a traditionally solitary activity (reading feeds) into a community one is a great idea.

Everything being public aids discoverability, which has always been an issue. This is likely where it will come into its own for me. And, yes, I did create a new Twitter account so I could log in – that's how interesting I think it is. 😊

On the subject of Twitter, the 'Read user feeds' page on FeedLand is, as Dave describes it:

like a mini-Twitter based entirely on RSS

Being able to read other people's feeds and update your own all on one page is reminiscent of the original full public stream at Twitter. Again, this may come in handy for serendipitous discovery.

  1. I have /reader to consume my feeds 

Poorchop says:

I have thought about how a social component to feed readers might help with the wider proliferation of RSS but I thought that NewsBlur already did this. When I tried out the demo, I remember being able to see articles from other users.

Colin Walker replied:

NewsBlur looks to do something similar but, from what I understand, things have to be explicitly shared. Within FeedLand everything is public. NewsBlur lets you comment on things you share whereas FeedLand users have a mini-blog that they can update.

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