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3 comments: click to read or leave your own

It's been a tough few days. On Wednesday I had to take my daughter and son-in-law to hospital with Harry as he was being violently sick. We (and doctors) had previously suspected a lactose intolerance but he was getting considerably worse, unable to keep down anything he drank.

It turns out that he had pyloric stenosis where the muscle controlling the passage between the stomach and intestine actually blocks it and food can't pass through. He was becoming dehydrated and losing weight. Too much longer and he could have been in serious trouble, it can be life threatening if left.

He was transferred to Royal Manchester Children's Hospital on Friday as he needed surgery to correct the issue. That happened yesterday afternoon and, fingers crossed, looks to have been a success, so much so that he was allowed off the ward and my wife and I were able to go and see them all today. Harry already looks so much better and is feeding.

We're looking forward to having them all back home, fit and well.

They've been told they'll be at the hospital until at least Wednesday to ensure everything is going well. While there they are able to make use of the Ronald McDonald House Charities facilities right next to the hospital. I knew they provided temporary accommodation for families to be able to stay with or near their sick kids but had no idea just how amazing it is. We've decided to give regular donations to the charity as a result because what they provide is truly wonderful and makes a huge difference.

patrickrhone says: Reply to patrickrhone

@colinwalker Glad they found out the cause and corrected it.

jean says: Reply to jean

@colinwalker Oh my, that is very scary. I'm glad you were able to find out what the problem was and it could be fixed. Poor little wee baby.

pimoore says: Reply to pimoore

@colinwalker Very glad to read he's safe and feeling better, no doubt that was scary for everyone!

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