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Update My daughter noticed a rash on her side yesterday which got progressively worse during the day. After speaking to NHS 111 they feared it might be shingles so wanted her seen. I drove her to hospital in the early hours this morning and the diagnosis was confirmed.

As it is contagious (for those who haven't had chicken pox) no department wants her hanging around, including maternity, so the induction process that was due to start tomorrow cannot now go ahead. The consultants are due to talk about her case and come up with a plan but we won't hear about that until tomorrow.

She's not allowed on a ward as she would be a risk to other mothers, never mind that she is already at risk herself which is why the induction was happening. They need to sort something out, it's not as if she can magically stop being pregnant for the next few weeks.

We've just been through two years of isolation protocols because of covid, surely they can sort something out.

jean says: Reply to jean

@colinwalker Oh no! Holding a thought for you all and hope you get a speedy resolution.

Colin Walker replied:

Thanks Jean, appreciate it. It's a bit chaotic at the moment but hopefully they can devise a plan and get her sorted.

pimoore says: Reply to pimoore

@colinwalker I wish your daughter a speedy recovery, and I'm sure the medical professionals will be able to get her situation worked out.

Colin Walker replied:

Certainly hope so, it's been a comedy of errors so far.

shew says: Reply to shew

@colinwalker keeping my fingers crossed for you all

Colin Walker replied:

Thanks Jason 🙏

annahavron says: Reply to annahavron

@colinwalker oh my, I hope she recovers soon!

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Part of the joy of a new device is setting it up, tailoring it to your needs and likes. I usually do this from scratch each time but, for the sake of simplicity, decided to copy data and apps from the S20 Ultra to the new phone.

While cloning a device makes life considerably simpler I can't help but feel that it reduces that 'new phone' impact.

I only changed my homescreen layout recently so perhaps it's not so bad. Still, I wanted to change things up again to reflect that this is a new phone.

I've decided to use the smart widgets in OneUI 4.1 (essentially a copy of Apple's 'Smart Stacks') to add extra utility without clogging up the homescreen. I like to keep things pretty minimal so being able to place a number of widgets in the same location and scroll between them 1 is extremely handy.

It's not a massive difference as far as the look goes but it makes things feel fresh and restores a degree of that new phone feeling.

  1. or have the system switch between them automatically based on context 

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