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I woke up in a panic during the night. I dreamt that I was driving to work but it was the wrong day and I hadn't arranged parking. I then couldn't find my bag to get my work phone to organise said parking so had to hunt for them but my car had broken down. Once I had found my bag I then couldn't find my car and there was a report of someone threatening to set off a bomb and I was convinced they'd stolen my car to do it, even though they shouldn't have been able to drive it anywhere.

It was just one thing after another, issues escalating until they reached a crescendo.

wearsmanyhats says: Reply to wearsmanyhats

@colinwalker Ugh, I hate dreams like that, where I wake up with my brain screaming "WTAF?"

Colin Walker replied:

Yeah, completely throws you out and there's that brief period where you think it's real making the panic even worse.

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Chris reminded me of an issue that's been around since the launch of (b)log-In: things get reposted when refreshing the page.

I knew it happened on posts but had been too lazy to fix it. It never occurred to me, however, that it happened to comments – or if it had I'd forgotten.

I now set a session variable with a random number and pass it with the post and comment forms to check if they match; if yes then post otherwise don't. The variable is reset after a successful submission so it won't be the same should the page be refreshed and the contents of the $_POST variable resent.

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