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Did a Covid rapid lateral flow test at home this morning and am happy to report the result as negative, my wife's as well. Seeing as we were out and about a lot over the last week or so we thought it was prudent to get some tests.

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Returning to work after ten days off (albeit still from home) just felt wrong, like i shouldn't be doing it. I should really be grateful that I've got what many would consider a decent job that pays well but that's only ever part of the story – it's just not fulfilling.

None of my roles have ever been truly fulfilling, have always left me feeling empty like there's something missing. Purpose. There's never been a real sense of purpose to what I've been doing – I've just fallen into roles without ever having a plan. It may appear that I get lazy or workshy but that's not the case; I'm just not motivated at the proper level or in the right way.

It is said that you should strive to do what you can't do without, what you always come back to – for me, that's writing. I need that creative outlet, only that is fulfilling. I wish I could support a lifestyle that allowed me to explore that fully, deeply rather than just tinkering around the edges.

The work may not be fulfilling but at least it provides me with enough freedom to live a double life, to not be mentally trapped, to be able to live through words.

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

I feel in a very similar place, Colin.

Dunno whether you've seen it, but I just discovered the site Lots of great articles. They seem to be written by people who know what they're talking about rather than freelancers who have only superficial knowledge of a topic and churn out that same old information.

The "Launch Pad" course is very expensive, so I'm considering doing the cheaper workshop, and maybe one or two of the masterclasses. I'm hoping it'll help get me unstuck.

Colin Walker replied:

Thanks Chris, I'll take a look.

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