Yesterday was the final day of the second "practice and suck less" challenge sheet – that's 60 consecutive days of contributing something to the writing project. I'm still struggling to finish, to find the right things to say for the last couple of chapters but I'll get there.
I've decided to repurpose the final chapter and make it a conclusion, drawing a few threads together. Parts of the project are already self-referential but deliberately gathering the strands and weaving them into some kind of whole seems only natural – a truly fitting end. I know what my conclusion is but I just have to find the best way to express it.
Still, after 60 days of forcing myself to write, I am drawn back to Burkeman's "dailyish" philosophy. I will apply enough pressure to get this done but ensure that it is the right kind of pressure. I still want to contribute to the project in some way every day but, during this final push, realise that these contributions don't necessarily need to be all-out writing.
There is a range of worthy additions I can be making that don't involve the forced extrusion of a couple of hundred words.
There are some ideas tacked on to earlier chapters that I need to better integrate, there are thoughts I need to process and fragments that require expansion. I need to find my direction before I can set off on the final leg of this journey.
I need to get out of my own way, get past the feeling that this is a cop-out or that I'm procrastinating. It's more than I'm turning things over in my head, looking at them from different angles until I find a way of presenting them that may not be perfect but is good enough.
And that will do for me.