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Julian asks "What brings you to the writing table?" while Nicholas states "writing and drawing are not just about drawing and writing. They are seriously helpful therapy..."

In my experience writing can be both therapy and trigger. Writing has a way of getting to the truth, the real truth, with or without your abettance. That truth can affect or even haunt you for years.

Writing is hard, you wouldn't think so but there you go. Still, I am inexorably drawn to it like the proverbial moth to the flame, whether or not it is in my best interests.

I may take breaks, sometimes extended, but I always return. It's something about the expression, connection, communication that writing enables, with yourself as much as with others. It is so much more than just putting words on the page or screen – it may sound overly dramatic but writing is a reflection of life itself.

That is what brings me to the table.

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

I find writing helpful, and I've started daily journalling this year, but because I do it all day long (for a job), it sometimes wears me out. It takes a lot of thinking.

Drawing (and painting) on the other hand has been like therapy for me because it totally switches of that part of my brain that tends to ruminate on stuff and weigh me down. :)

Colin Walker says:

It's like the plumber who spends all day fixing other people's pipes but when they get home the last thing they want to do is fix their own leak. Writing and drawing/painting are two sides of the same coin, two different approaches to the same end.

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While showing my daughter how the blog works she asked if I was going to do anything with it, as in make it available for other people to use. She even mentioned "the sordid topic of coin." 1

There's no way I would consider the code either good (it's U.G.L.Y) or secure enough to let other people trust their blogs with it – not to mention that it specifically tailored to my own needs – but her comments did get me thinking. As a result I've been working to make things a bit more ... generic.

The site title and name for the "About" link in the footer, along with the database tables, are defined as constants in the config file rather than explicitly named within the code. I've also got the SQL commands to create the required tables in a file.

I'm trying to think what else could be automated in this way. For it to be truly generic the other links in the footer (Join Me and Colophon) would need to be changed. I would also have to remove the Journal streak indicator, as that's purely tied to my site, but that's easy.

It's an interesting exercise.

  1. One of my favourite lines from the movie "Death Becomes Her

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