I'm terrible at naming things, take the name given to this blogging system for example: (b)log-In. Because of this I've been beating myself up over not being able to give a name to my writing project. What I did have was essentially a subtitle, a description rather than a name.
Last night, just before sleep claimed me, the following popped into my head:
"It's Only Words..."
Simple as that.
I have quoted the Bee Gees lyric in one of my notes but, in my stupor, it just seemed a perfect fit. Now that it's got a name (whether that's it final name or not) it just feels a bit more real – I now need to treat it with the respect it deserves and get on with it.
@colinwalker That's a fantastic name for a writing project, love it! More proof that sometimes the best ideas come randomly when you least expect it, and why a lot of people follow Albert Einstein's philosophy of always keeping a notepad beside their bed to record sudden inspiration.
@colinwalker I sympathise: names are hard. And I get that idea that giving a thing a name helps us to focus on it.
That said, I have a more-or-less-complete novel, the only title I have for which is ”˜Next Novel.' Maybe when I find a proper title I'll properly finish it.
@devilgate Awesome. I look forward to reading it if you finally give it a name. Sci-Fi?
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From 19/9/2014:
Calm is an individual, internal state, it is a way of thinking and looking at the world.
Meditation isn't calm in itself - it is a facilitator to find it, but that is a type of focused calm, a calm you have to work for. Instead, it is spontaneous calm that we need to work on - finding those moments, those triggers that allow us to become lost.
It isn't necessarily about peacefulness or seclusion, it isn't about keeping your head when all about you are losing theirs. It is, however, finding that inner stillness even amongst chaos, finding the beauty amongst the trash or the melody hidden within the noise.
Calm is that transcendence beyond our current existence, that fleeting moment when time stands still - our view of the world slows to a stop and we are perfectly content with who and where we are if only for a short while.
This calm cannot be instructed or gleaned from a book. This calm is unique for us all and can only be lived, can only be experienced.
@colinwalker Cool. I got into running again last year by doing one of those 5k progremmes
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I have put the effort in today and finished the base research/review for my writing project. I've been really dragging my heels with it, maybe out of a fear of failure.
@colinwalker That's a fantastic name for a writing project, love it! More proof that sometimes the best ideas come randomly when you least expect it, and why a lot of people follow Albert Einstein's philosophy of always keeping a notepad beside their bed to record sudden inspiration.
@colinwalker I sympathise: names are hard. And I get that idea that giving a thing a name helps us to focus on it. That said, I have a more-or-less-complete novel, the only title I have for which is ”˜Next Novel.' Maybe when I find a proper title I'll properly finish it.
@devilgate Awesome. I look forward to reading it if you finally give it a name. Sci-Fi?