# I never store music on my Apple Watch so losing the ability to browse your full iPhone music library in WatchOS 4 is a bit of a bummer. It's not something I use that often but it's handy when I want to switch albums without taking out my phone.
I can understand the move for the Series 3 LTE model where Apple is trying to push a more standalone device capable of streaming directly but, for older models, it would have been nice to have kept it.
iOS regularly has to do things in different ways for different iPhone models so it's not like we don't have a precedent. I guess they're just trying to get you to upgrade.
# A quick update on the MacBook.
I was prompted to submit the issue and looked at the error report details which including this:
Root disk errors: "Could not recover SATA HDD after 5 attempts. Terminating.”
A quick search doesn’t reveal anything too enlightening as, although it would appear to relate to the drive (and maybe APFS) this kind of issue can also occur due to software compatibility issues causing a kernel panic.
More testing required.
# The MacBook woke successfully after preventing the following utilities from starting and running in the background:
- Clipy
- Faviconographer
- iCanHazShortcut
That leaves me with Magnet and Scroll Reverser (just for the mouse) still running.
We’re making progress!
# In case you hadn't already seen, I re-worked the /directory page as mentioned yesterday. The OPML comes first followed by links to blogs. I'm still gathering micro.blog links (and it still builds the output) but I'm choosing not to display that at the moment.
# Just as I start getting used to not having 3D Touch app switching so Craig Federighi says it was temporarily removed and will be making a comeback!
@colinwalker yep. On my Series 0, this has been super frustrating. Ready for my 3 to come tomorrow and Apple Music to launch in it so it’s not as annoying.
@craigmcclellan I can’t justify an upgrade so will have to live with it ?