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While away at the weekend our TV options were limited (having downgraded to a basic package at the old house) but we ended up watching a film called Odd Thomas starring the sadly deceased Anton Yelchin as Odd. We knew nothing about the film before diving in, presumably because it appears to have fallen flat at cinemas and been widely panned by critics.

The film is based on a Dean Koontz novel, a comedy/horror/thriller in which the main character sees ghosts and spirit creatures called "bodachs" which show up as portents of death. His ability, and Koontz's nod to the genre defining Six Sense, leads to the line "I see dead people, but then, by God, I do something about it."

Could it have been scarier? Yes. Could it have been funnier? Absolutely. Still, despite the critics opinions, I thought it hit the right level of both without sacrificing the other and thoroughly enjoyed being taken along for the ride for 90 minutes.

I think critics try to over-analyse, try to look for deeper meaning where there isn't any and lambast things as a result. What's wrong with something that is just entertaining enough to keep you interested and take your mind off everything happening in the world? Not everything has to be, or needs to be, Oscar worthy. What's wrong with just a bit of fun.

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