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Having switched from a local copy to a git clone I thought I'd better do a test. So, I ripped down the test install and started again. It's a good job I did as I had reintroduced a couple of old bugs with the setup process.

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There seems to be an unwritten rule, almost a law, that people who own TB303 clones have to take a stab at emulating Confusion by Pump Panel – from the opening scene of Blade.

Not wanting to break the law, I thought I'd take a crack...

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I was looking at a potential redesign with placing the comment and email icons down the side of posts:

Post redesign

The only problem is that for very short posts the icons drop below the text and it looks awful. This is further complicated by the additional icons shown when logged in.

More thought required. 🤔

About Random posts

Random posts now show two completely random posts.

The hope is that doing will throw up unexpected synchronicities between items or juxtapose them in such a way as to foster new ideas.
