
The archive contains older posts which may no longer reflect my current views.

# No judgement is good, no judgement is healthy, it helps deal with self-imposed guilt, but requiring it must not be allowed to become the norm.

I can be forgiving for lapses and have self-compassion but mustn't become 'okay' with not doing something - it mustn't become the habit or it quickly replaces the actual habit which you are trying to build.

# In my ongoing quest for the perfect mail app I've switched back to Spark.

A new version released just a couple of days ago streamlines the UI, making it much cleaner than before, and fixes some oddities I was experiencing when reading mails in dark mode. It continues to render all links in mails correctly where Edison Mail can be a bit hit and miss.

I still use Spark on the Mac so it's nice to stick to one product across platforms.

# Liked: Commonplace — Ideas For Living | Rhoneisms...

Words to live by.

2000 posts

I just realised that I've passed 2000 posts on the blog, chalking up another milestone. It seems almost like yesterday, but also a world away, that I reached 1000 in 2017.

At the time I remarked upon how much things had changed with the introduction of microblogging increasing my output significantly. Yet, numbers of posts has never painted a true picture.

I took numerous breaks in the years before reaching 1000 1 and then didn't post for almost a year in the period since due to not being in the right mental state.

So, yeah, numbers aren't everything.

A lot has changed, and is still changing - with the blog, with the world, with myself; what I post and how I post it constantly morphing, folding in on itself, being moulded into new forms, heading in new directions. My focus continues to shift in line with my mental state: consistently inconsistent.

But, whatever happens, the blog is still here and I always (eventually) come back to it. It's such a large part of who I am and how I interact with the world, with life: thinking out loud - the ongoing conversation with myself.

Here's to the next thousand.

  1. I say 1000 but they were actually taken before reaching just over 350 posts

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