
The archive contains older posts which may no longer reflect my current views.

# Day 2 of our enforced staycation has been very much a doing day. We still had a few bits of shopping that we needed so, as my wife is on the Covid-19 at risk list, made an early trip to the local supermarket during the session supposedly reserved for those at risk. One doesn't like to judge, and not every health issue or disability is obvious or visible, but there were definitely people there who shouldn't have been at that time.

We recently bought a new wardrobe for our bedroom which I assembled and installed a while back but had not yet fitted all of the shelves and actually, you know, put clothes in! The shelves are now all fitted but I needed to completely sort out and rearrange the room before I could really get to grips with the clothes. That bit comes tomorrow.

It's crazy how much old rubbish we had tucked away in just that one room and it was therapeutic to have a good sort out. I imagine there's more I could get rid of but one step at a time.