# How is it June already? And how is it the Friday of my week off? I feel a Ferris Bueller quote coming on.
# As Dave Winer mentions we should be worried about things we take for granted on the web. Like GitHub.
I only use it to share some code snippets and a few WordPress plugins (so any change in how it operates wouldn't really affect me) but I know there is so much stored there that could really suffer if an acquirer decided they wanted to shake things up in the name of profit.
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about a possible purchase by Microsoft. It's certainly not the company it once was but having something so core owned by one of the big four makes me nervous.
# Liked: “Tired, Old Myths:” The New Republic Slanders Jung - Quillette...
"Myths from a Jungian viewpoint are stories of archetypal encounters in which the collective psyche tells us how it undergoes development. Myths are involuntary collective revelations based on unconscious psychic experience; they teach us that archetypal energy is supra-ordinate to human power, and are to culture what dreams are to the individual."
@colinwalker I love most of what you write, but this article is far beneath your own level. To take but one salient example:
“Undaunted, Heer goes on to misunderstand Jordan Peterson’s description of the archetypal masculine and feminine and accuses Peterson equating this with men and women when it is clear that Peterson is using these terms as Jung did: symbolically.”
Except, that’s not even remotely clear from what Peterson says. It’s clear from some of what he says, but not remotely all, such as “The idea that women were oppressed throughout history is an appalling theory.”
I had considered adding a comment but wanted the quote to stand alone. I probably should have.
I didn’t read this piece in the context of Heer, or Peterson, or even the authors, but as a celebration of Jung. What I took from it (rather than what was likely intended) was a defence of Jung, of thinking different, and not conforming to the rules - rules are usually made to benefit the select few which is why they seek so strongly to enforce them.
The lyricism of this explanation of myth spoke to me through the nonsense of people making it about them rather than the ideas.
@colinwalker I’m sorry Colin, that’s clear from what you think originally wrote. I have gotten this charlatan’s (JBP) nonsense coming at me from all directions this week. It has been clarifying in establishing who I need not bother paying attention to, so I guess that’s good.
@dgold Must admit I’m not overly familiar with him so it’s been a bit eye opening doing some searches.