The wind
More than a murmur. More than a whisper. The trees dance frenetically in its sway.
I long for it to calm that I may be lulled to sleep by such susurrous song.
Alas, it seems not so.
Its anger calls at me through the open window; I have no desire to close it.
But the creaks and moans of its passage become almost too much to bear.
Still I bide my time, hoping for the anger to subside.
It could be a long night.
# Liked: iPhone X, Revised Object Editors, and a New Theme | Ulysses Blog...
I’m really liking the changes in the latest version of Ulysses for iOS.
The new UI for the object editors (links, images, etc.) make much more sense than before.
Haha. There is some magic in those analogue tools. And I just learnt a new word, susurrous. :)
@colinwalker Reminds me of William Carlos Williams’ “January."
Whoda thunk it ?
@schuth Ooh, I like that! Thanks for the link.
I like that too. So defiant!