Sonant Thoughts - Episode 37: Our Unedited Voice
What is a blog? What should a blog be? Where is the line between chosen topic and personal content, and should we cross it? Are the answers to these questions purely personal or are they moulded by external influences, and what effect does this have?
Who are our audience and what do we owe them?

# The storm last night was intense. It woke me up around 1:30am and there was solid lightning for nearly two hours - the sky almost never went dark.
Nature is amazing but the appreciation wears thin when you have to be up at 4am and don't get back to sleep.
# Liked: Adactio: Journal - The magical and the mundane...
It's true, we just take the amazing for granted. We are so blasé about that which should astound us, spoilt by our technological achievements.