
The archive contains older posts which may no longer reflect my current views.

Sonant Thoughts - Episode 24: Terrorists Will Not Win

Westminster. Manchester. London Bridge.

How many more times? How many more needless innocent deaths?

The terrorists will not win.

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Sonant Thoughts

# My host really doesn't seem to like it if I make a lot of changes and refresh a lot of pages in a short space of time.

# Needed a distraction so decided to update the webmention directory. Now you can switch sources between blogs and micro.blog accounts to see who is sending webmentions and from where. It's a purely CSS solution.


Liked: Month maps...

"...that’s one of the perks of having your own website—you can do whatever you feel like."

Amen to that!

# Bit of a bug with the sibling selectors in the CSS for the new directory layout - the wrong thing seems to be getting targeted. Will work on it.