Confirmation bias
I try to follow people that challenge me, that have different opinions to my own and different world views but there is only so far we, as individuals, tend to go when left to our own devices.
We like it when people agree with us; we get a warm cosy feeling when our ideas are validated and fee attacked when someone disagrees - that is what Facebook relies on.
Facebook is heavily lambasted for the way the news feed places us firmly in a filter bubble but it is a clever ploy to keep us within its walls, to avoid the confrontation that might drive us away.
But my Twitter feed has been the ultimate example of confirmation bias and, despite my attempts to the contrary, I only have myself to blame.
I don't follow that many people but don't think anyone in feed was openly a Trump supporter during the presidential campaign. I thought there was no way Trump would win because I wasn't exposed to the massive ground swell of opinion outside of my social circles.
That's not down to an algorithm, that's purely down to me and the choices I have made.
I'm not sure which is scarier.