
The archive contains older posts which may no longer reflect my current views.

# Liked: Gratitude...

So I tend to send a brief email or DM. Really nothing more than a “I like your work, and that thing you did with X really helped me do Y, thanks, have a great day”. More often than not, I don’t get a reply. But that’s not the point. It’s not about counting ‘Likes’ or ‘Followers’. It’s about expressing appreciation for someones hard work.

There needs to be more of this on the web!

More giving and less taking. More appreciation and less mindless criticism.

Thanks to Chad for publicly outlining what, for him at least, is a private process.

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# I've never really been one for doing Follow Friday on any social platforms. I did a couple on Twitter back in the day but have always preferred a more organic approach to finding people to follow and posts to read.

That being said, I'm still honoured to have been chosen by Jimmy Baum for his inaugural micro.blog Follow Friday post.

All too often, FF was abused and became a cynical, self-promotional tool where people would tag others solely in the hope of having that reciprocated and thus boost their own follower count.

But there are no metrics on micro.blog, nothing to indicate how "successful" you are except for genuine interaction with others. In this context Follow Friday is very much in the spirit of gratitude from Chad's post earlier and I wholeheartedly welcome it.

Thanks Jimmy! 🙏