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Jumping over to I've seen a number of replies to posts that I wasn't aware of. Moving the blog to /blog has obviously broken something with regards to webmentions. I need to look at that.

Apologies to anyone that I haven't responded to.

gRegorLove says: Reply to gRegorLove

Hello again! I recently saw some oddities in my feed reader subscription for your homepage. I visited and figured out it's at /blog now. I updated the subscription and am seeing your posts in Monocle again.

Colin Walker replied:

Thanks gRegor! There shouldn't have been any issues with the feed as it hasn't moved. Still, thanks for updating.

I noticed that your webmention didn't include a name. I may have to put something in my endpoint to cater for that scenario so there's at least something in there.

avatar says: Reply to

It was the microformats2 feed on your homepage. It still showed content, but it's formatted a bit weird, showing multiple notes in one "post". Try it in the Monocle preview:

Currently the authorship on my notes points to the homepage, so the h-card there should have the info. It's not as common a setup, but see steps 5 and 7 in

Colin Walker replied:

Thanks. I've sorted the issue on the home page.

I'll have to think about how to detect author details under those circumstances.

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Webmentions should be fixed. Address mismatches between the feed, the blog, and how permalinks are stored in the database were at fault.

The feed generator has been updated and the endpoint adjusted to ensure that everything is aligned. This has meant some duplicates in the feed but that's a small price to pay for getting it working.

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Last Thursday was my first follow-up appointment with the ... counsellor? therapist? His actual title is psychiatrist but I think there is still a lot of stigma attached to that. I grew up in a time when you'd see a psychiatrist if you were 'nuts' and therapy for mental health issues wasn't a thing. Frankly, mental health itself wasn't a thing.

How times change, eh?

I still wasn't really sure how I was feeling or whether the meds were having an effect so I asked my family before the appointment. The general consensus was that when I was up I was more up but the downward swings were bigger. I think my focus is a bit better (I can certainly concentrate on code more – or, rather, get lost in it) but memory is still an issue. Well, it's not so much my memory but not being focused or present enough to actually take things on board so that I can remember them later.

Apparently, it was like you could see the pills wearing off (even though that's not how they work) and my mood was shifting quite drastically in the evenings. I wasn't aware of it. I think that defines a lot of what's been going on: I'm just not aware of how I am, how I act or come across to others. In my head I'm acting normally but it would seem not – the proverbial 'living in a bubble' of my own making.

So, my prescription of Vortioxetine has been upped to 15mg a day from 10 and I've also been prescribed Quetiapine to complement it. Quetiapine should do a number of things including reduce the mood swings and help me sleep. I take it around 7 - 7:30pm and by 9:30 I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. It certainly gets me to sleep quicker (that's always something I've struggled with) but it's hit and miss if I wake through the night. Still, it's only been a week and I need to let that settle.

I still have PLMS on occasion and the Quetiapine might also help ease this. It will be a relief it that's the case.

My next appointment is 5th January and, if things work out, I'll be more stable by then so that the next phase of treatment can begin. Whatever that is decided to be.

Alan Ralph says: Reply to Alan Ralph

I'm glad to hear that the medication is helping. Getting more sleep at night has definitely improved my overall health, though I'd appreciate having fewer weird dreams – I guess that's my brain's way of telling me what I need to work on more in my life.

The psychiatrist I saw in the summer to get my autism diagnosis mentioned some possible drug treatments that might benefit me, but I'll need to discuss that with my GP and weigh up the pros and cons. So far I've managed to improve my health by making changes to my environment and daily patterns, but that doesn't help as much with managing when I'm out and about.

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