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Anyone who has been around the blog for a while knows that a dearth of posts normally corresponds with mental health struggles. They will also know that my usual reaction is to step away from the blog and wider online life. Sometimes I consider this necessary but at other times I regret it, wishing I had kept posting, working through it.

At the moment I'm not sure where I sit and what I want to do. Neither? Both? I feel that some kind of middle ground is the right way to go.

I don't want to walk away from the blog again but I equally don't want to introduce any additional stress by feeling I need to be posting. Any blogging is going to have to be a moving target. It'll happen when it happens.

After the last mini-break I wrote that I was tricking myself into a return by using code as a distraction. That has also been the case more recently as I have tinkered with /carousel. I'm tempted to just dump any thoughts I have there for a while — purely text (it has no facility to upload images). It's been a fun experiment to build a "horizontal blog" and the simplicity of it keeps nagging at me.

Because of this, I'm tempted to set up shop there for a while, make it the place where thoughts go to be free (at least while I'm working stuff out). Does that mean it becomes my primary space and the main blog lies dormant? Or do I leave links to whatever gets posted? Maybe I change the blog link to point to Carousel?

We'll see. 🤔

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