
The archive contains older posts which may no longer reflect my current views.

# If it wasn't for family related things I would have closed my Facebook account years ago. But, as it stands, there are sometimes posts I need to see and react to.

That is the only use Facebook ever gets from me so they really have no data to present me with a meaningfully personalised service.

It can be quite amusing seeing the suggestions offered up as people I might know. If I accepted even half I think I'd be connected to almost the entire population of the Philippines by now.

Twitter, however, is different and I'm not entirely sure why. Although I've not actively tweeted in over 6 months, and am undecided if I ever will again, I'm strangely attached to my Twitter account.

Maybe it's because I joined back in 2006, the year it was launched, and am proud to have an account that old. Maybe it's because I know what Twitter could be and I'm just holding back until something changes.

Or maybe it's because there's a fundamental difference in the way I see and personally connect with the two services.

Many complain that Twitter doesn't know them, even after years of posting thousands of tweets. However, compared to the mountains of information held about us by Facebook I think this is quite refreshing.

It also illustrates the different purposes of the networks.

Although we can tailor our Twitter feed by following/unfollowing people its purpose is, ultimately, to show us "what's happening." This may occur partly in line with the parameters we set but it is a more specific goal within a much wider context.

And, to me at least, that is a far more attractive proposition than the blatant 'entrapment' within the network employed by Facebook.


Liked: Micro-blogging - Phil Stephens...

It's interesting to see the different approaches people take to scratch their (micro)blogging itches.

# I've often thought about daily journalling but never really had the drive to do it. Seeing that Day One is Apple's free app of the week made me consider it once again.

I think part of the problem is never really knowing what to write. I just can't get the visions of teenage angst induced scrawl out of my head ?

Listening to an episode of the Fundamentally Broken podcast recently I noted with interest the discussion between Seth Clifford and Tim Nahumck about journalling in which they said it could be as much or as little as you wanted but there was no point it being too little if you wanted to return to it and make sense of what you wrote.

That's somewhat reassuring but, after the Write365 project effectively turned into an extended, public, self-therapy session, I don't want to risk heading down the same route.

I also find that writing in multiple places reduces the focus I have on each, even if they are for completely different purposes, and don't want to impact the new approach to the blog.

Maybe I'll give it a go and see what happens. Or, maybe I won't ?

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